Do you feel like you need a change of job or career?
According to statistics the average person changes jobs 10 to 15 times during their career. That’s a whole lot of change!
Sometimes knowing where to start changing your job or career can be overwhelming. The first step is to clarify your why!
Clarify your why
How we start something can really determine our future success, so always make sure you set up good foundations before you make a change.
Ask yourself ‘Why do I want to change my job or career?’ Look at your current situation and clarify the purpose – the why – of the change you want. There are lots of reasons that people change their job including lack of opportunities to use skills and abilities, excessive workload, or for promotion or a higher salary.
A fish eye lens is an ultra-wide-angle lens that creates a panoramic image. Think about using a fish eye lens on your current job and look at all the aspects that make up your job. These could be pay, prospects, location, training etc.
Draw a circle where the centre is zero satisfaction and the outer edge of the circle is completely satisfied and create segments to represent each aspect of your job. Then draw a line where you currently feel your level of satisfaction is for each aspect.
Look at the gaps between how satisfied you are with each aspect and the outside of the circle, where completely satisfied is.
Think about why you want each to be different and why it is important for you to change your situation for each aspect of your job or career
Writing this down is an important part of the process of making change happen.
Change needs to have a clear and valid reason. It’s one thing to know what you want to change, it’s another thing to know why it’s important for you to change it.
The challenge that keeps most people from staying consistent and disciplined with making the necessary actions to change things in their life is that they haven’t identified the reason that’s strong enough to mobilise change.
Liking things to change isn’t enough to make it happen.
You need to feel truly dedicated to the change, you must really desire it and need it. Without this deep need for change that’s important to you, it will be too easy to settle into complacency with how things currently are.
Clarifying the purpose of your change makes it more powerful and gives meaning to your actions.
If this article has resonated with you and you would like some more information on how to get started, click the button below to view the Step 1 ‘clarify’ video of the Making Change Happen programme for free.
Best wishes
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Behaviour Works aim is simple. To help make change happen in your personal, family or working life. We help people across the world with their change journey with our ‘Making Change Happen’ online training.
Journal Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash